Oživujeme kultúru konopy siatej
Zameriavame sa na výskum a vývoj nových alebo inovovaných konopných výrobkov

About the cluster
In a modern way, we continue the Slovak tradition of growing and processing hemp.
We focus on research and development of new hemp products or innovating already-known ones. We are a partner for farmers, industry, and technologically oriented companies. Together we are looking for ways to develop sustainable hemp production, which brings value to people. We do so in a cooperative, circular, and regional manner.

Founding members of the cluster
Příkop 843/4
CZ-60200 Brno

Rudohorská 33
SK-97411 Banská Bystrica,

KURUC-COMPANY spol. s r. o.
Veľké Lovce 393
SK-94142 Veľké Lovce

Konopné družstvo
Družstevná 105
SK-97632 Badín


Management quality system
In December 2021, Hemp Cluster defended the re-certification of the Bronze Label European Cluster Excellence Initiative according to the European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis methodologies, whose Benchmarking Report is a source of information for the further development of the cluster organization.
Non-repayable Financial Contribution
From September 2021 to December 2023, as part of the cluster development strategy, we are implementing a project to develop research and development and innovation capacities, plus cross-sector networking of businesses.
Recipient: HEMP CLUSTER z.p.o.
Place of implementation: Družstevná 105, SK-97632 Badín

Events and news

Recycled textile and hemp
As part of the study trip of the international participants of the TEX-DAN (InterReg Danube Region) project to…

Innovation MeetUp Bioeconomy
The Development Agency and the Innovation Center of the Banská Bystrica region prepared a meeting of representatives of…
Working group in MAS Ipeľ-Hont o.z
We were invited to a work event in Veľké Turovce, organized on April 17 by…
Bioeconomy in Slovakia – how to proceed
BEC together with NPPC organized a working meeting, which was attended by more than 50…
Hemp cluster
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been mentioned
Hemp Cluster
Cluster management