Hemp Cluster as a hub of hemp alliance innovation
From September 2021 to December 2023, as part of the cluster development strategy, we are implementing a project to develop research and development and innovation capacities, plus cross-sector networking of businesses.
Recipient: HEMP CLUSTER z.p.o.
Place of implementation: Družstevná 105, SK-97632 Badín

Innovation voucher for Laudatosi s.r.o.
Member of the cluster Laudatosi s.r.o. received a voucher from SIEA in March 2023 as part of the "Innovation Vouchers Slovakia 2.0" call. The voucher was for the production and installation of equipment for long-term monitoring of the technical and functional parameters of hemcrete (hemp concrete) walls in an inhabited family house.

Grant for Konopné družstvo
A Hemp Cluster member, Konopné družstvo, received a mini-grant from the Bioeconomy cluster in March 2022 as part of the "BIONET" project, for the development and design work of a machine dedicated to sorting and dust removal of hemp.