We were invited to a work event organized by BEC and the Institute of Knowledge-Based Agriculture and Innovation (IZPI), which had three parts:
The morning was devoted to building a network of demonstration farms in Slovakia as part of the EU project “Climate Farm Demo” (https://bioeconomy.sk/en/climate-farm-demo/), which is to find original farms, monitor and directly test their innovative solutions in the field of agriculture and climate. Through one of our associated members, Hemp Cluster will be also represented in the CFD network.
At noon, the general meeting of the Bioeconomy cluster took place, with which we have a content and membership link through the Konopné družstvo. The afternoon part was devoted to building a bioeconomy hub in Slovakia and the subsequent discussion. The representative of the strategy section of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development presented the current state of the Circular Bioeconomy Roadmap, in which we are active in one thematic working group. We had the opportunity to see the inspirations from the Dutch Wageningen University, the connections of the bioeconomy with other initiatives and the possibilities of cross-sector cooperation.