In October, students of the 4th year of the Imrich Karvaš Business Academy in Bratislava approached us for cooperation in the project “Let’s send clusters to school”, supported by the Foundation of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic, with the aim of giving students the opportunity to get to know the clusters in their region and understand their meaning, contents and functioning .
As part of the project, a series of meetings of the representative of the cluster took place with the students, who introduced them to the mission, the method of cooperation and the goals of the Hemp Cluster. At the same time, the students had the opportunity to see a hemp field and a hemp house under construction near the capital.
One of the outputs was a short promo video about the cluster, designed and filmed directly by the students. The students presented the results of the project at the 25th annual International Fair of Training Companies, November 29-30 in SBA Bratislava, where “our” students finished in a nice 3rd place.
We also invite you to watch the aforementioned short video: